Body-to-body Massage Causeway Bay Wancahi Central


If you often find yourself hungering for new erotic experiences, the body-to-body slide massage could be the ideal choice for you. This massage technique, also known as the nuru massage, originated in Hong Kong, but has since become very popular with western men seeking an entirely different type of erotic adventure.

Whilst the standard body massage can be a deeply satisfying and intimate experience, there are still a lot of boundaries between you and your masseuse. For many men, there are concerns and fears about whether or not this kind of practice is supposed to have an erotic element, whether it is okay to feel aroused whilst being massaged, and whether or not the release of bodily tension should feel sexual in nature.

With a body-to-body massage, these concerns do not have to be an issue, because there is a clear sexual element involved. It is important for both parties to behave respectfully towards one another, but this can incorporate erotic touching, sliding, rubbing, and full on bodily contact – almost always controlled by the masseuse herself. In other words, the nuru massage is a thrilling new encounter.

What happens during a body-to-body slide massage?

The main difference between a body-to-body massage and a regular massage is that the masseuse is nude. In fact, her naked form is an important part of the process, and this is precisely why nuru specialists are chosen for their looks as well as their skills. If you do decide to go for a Hong Kong massage, your masseuse will be toned and physically fit, with full sensuous breasts, and firm thighs that you can guarantee will be used to massage all of the tension from your body.

Once you are ready to start the massage, the masseuse will oil up her naked form, and then use it for full on body to body contact. With the help of her breasts, thighs, and genitals she will rub, probe, and touch the body of a client in such a way as to release tension, ease tight muscles, and bring erotic satisfaction in the form of sexual relief. Whilst there is no sexual intercourse involved, the process can be highly arousing, and you are encouraged to let yourself indulge in the eroticism of the act.

Why should I get a body-to-body slide massage?

If you still need more convincing, think about the unique ‘wholeness’ of this kind of massage. There are no real boundaries in place, as regards skin on skin contact, so there is no balance of power to be upset or make a client feel uncomfortable. For a lot of men, erotic massage is an extremely appealing prospect, but its passivity causes anxiety. It can feel awkward to play no active part in the process.

With a nuru massage, both bodies are equally important. The pleasure derived from this technique can only be achieved if there are two people, at ease with one another, and with the close contact of their bodies. A specially designed oil is usually used to help the masseuse turn herself into what is essentially a ‘massage tool’ so lubrication is never an issue. Once she climbs astride your back, and wraps her thighs around you, the delightful slip-and-slide nature of nuru massage will become clear.

What do I need for a body-to-body slide massage?

As with a regular massage, you do not need anything. In most cases, the masseuse will have her own equipment, whether you go to her to get a masseuse, or she comes to you to give you one. The key items that she will bring are likely to be a massage table (possibly an inflatable mattress), suitable towels, and the nuru oil. Once you are ready, she will remove her clothes and introduce you to the ways of the Hong Kong temptress.

There is nothing quite like a body-to-body massage, and it is difficult to explain just how satisfying the technique can be, if you have not experienced it for yourself. It is time to embark on a brand new type of erotic encounter, and it is time to do it now – why waste time when there are so many beautiful and beguiling masseurs out there just waiting to meet you?

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